Does the thought of searching for a holiday fill you with dread?
Do you want to find a great priced value offer but find it hard to get the time to head out to your local travel agency to discuss?
Would you like to scroll through relevant holiday offers from the comfort of your own home, or while you are on the go?
Well The Holiday NInja has arrived to help YOU!!
After years of training, and holiday offer hunting practice, the Holiday NInja is finally here to take the hassle out of searching for your next holiday. Whether it’s a beach or sunshine break, a cruise special, or a citybreak long weekend, the Holiday NInja will find you a great offer!!
The Holiday NInja is a Northern Ireland website for Northern Ireland holiday-makers!
ALL the Holiday NInja offers are sourced and shared from your LOCAL travel companies and are bookable direct through them! The Holiday NInja simply promotes the LOCAL agencies great value holiday offers and directs you on how to process the booking! You query, discuss and book your next holiday with a LOCAL reputable travel agency expert which means your booking is always reliable, safe and secure at all times.
Benefits of being a NInja:
– Access to latest and greatest holiday offers available
– Widest range of holiday offer destinations available
– ALL holiday offers available from local airport departures
– The latest holiday offers available to view from wherever you are (desktop / mobile)
– Holidays are safe and secure, protection of booking with trade representative
– Booking through travel agent means deposit / payment plan options can be available (dependent on offer)
– Tips & Tricks and Inspiration for next destination in NInja Review section
– Easy to scroll through holiday offers on desktop or mobile devices
So don’t delay …. #belikeaNInja